

From the initial discovery that the plant absorbs its nutrients solubilized in water, any technique in which this condition is met is included in the definition of hydroponics. (aeroponia, new cultivation system, floating root, substrate crops, etc.). Surely this premise could be easily objected, since, naturally, it is also how a plant is nourished in a traditional crop on land or in an organic crop, however, the fundamental difference is the control of plant nutrition, given that in any crop that depends on the soil, nutritional control is virtually impossible.

Therefore, one of the fundamental premises of hydroponics is the ability to control, and according to the research, it is not only the nutritional control of the plant, but also the control of variants such as luminosity, aeration, CO2 level , relative humidity, it is even possible to investigate the effects of temperature on the root of the plant, problems barely observable in other cultivation methods.

Hydroponics is a method to grow plants with mineral solutions instead of agricultural soil. But in reality it is much more than that, it is an alternative adaptable to any space, or investment, it can be done at home or on a large scale, it is an intensive way to produce in a small space pollution-free vegetables, of high nutritional value, In addition to economic and is also a way to produce ecological and self-sustaining products.

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Note: the videos are only available at www.hidroponia.org.mx Spanish version.